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Why Resilient Underlayment Is Essential For Weathering Hurricane Season

resilient underlayment

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Hurricane season in South Florida can be a devastating time for homes and businesses. With high-speed winds and excessive downpours, roofs are at risk of sustaining severe damage. Although South Florida boasts many balmy summer days, your home needs to be prepared for when the weather makes a turn for the worst. A key to protecting your home is to install a resilient underlayment that will stand up to the climatic pressures that a hurricane brings.

Here’s why quality underlayment should form an integral part of your roofing system.

A Word On South Florida’s Hurricane Season

hurricane season

South Florida enjoys a tropical climate. This means plenty of sun-kissed, humid days that are perfect for enjoying the outdoors. The Miami-Dade and Broward counties also happen to be a part of the High-Velocity Hurricane Zone. Every year, the hurricane window falls from June to November, and it’s during this period when your home is at risk of hurricane damage. A hurricane brings in a storm surge, which is accompanied by extreme winds and heavy rain.

Why Resilient Underlayment Matters

resilient underlayment

Your roofing system takes the main hit during a hurricane. Although your roof covering forms the first protective barrier, it’s the roofing underlayment that forms an important defensive barrier. Roofing underlayment covers and shields your roofing structure from the rain and wind. It forms an impenetrable water barrier, while adhering robustly to your roof deck. A quality underlayment such as Tag & Stick, passes stringent wind uplift codes that are subject to South Florida.

Advantages Of Resilient Underlayment

A high-quality underlayment comes with some clear benefits for you to consider. Here are the main advantages.

1. Two-Ply Application

Tag & Stick underlayment consists of a two-ply system that combines self-adhering technology with a proven mechanical attachment. A top and bottom layer of 60 and 55 mils, respectively, comprise the 2 layers to provide a combined thickness of 115 mils. This ensures it forms a highly effective water barrier. Its combined attachment method makes it a versatile option for all steep-sloped roofing projects.

2. Highly Durable

Tag & Stick is long-lasting due to its composition of reinforced fiberglass and asphalt flux. This combination means that it can be left in the dry stage for weeks or months without leaking or giving in to foot traffic. Furthermore, it is one of the only underlayment system with a mechanically fastened base sheet that meets the South Florida Building Code requirements.

3. Wind Resistant

Part of what makes a hurricane so dangerous is its strong winds. In 2022, Hurricane Ian led to landfall winds of up to 150mph. These extreme winds are demanding on any roof, which is why you need a wind-resistant underlayment. Your roofing underlayment is your roof’s final protective barrier that protects your vulnerable roof structures from being exposed. As a trusted underlayment, Tag & Stick boasts impressive wind uplift ratings that beat the ratings for codified 30/90 hot mop. Tag & Stick is designed to exceed regional codes, removing the threat of damage to your roofing system.

4. Easy, Quick Application

Why would a quick installation be of benefit in hurricane season? Experienced South Florida residents know how quickly the weather can change with the threat of a hurricane. The last thing you want is a drawn-out process in which underlayment takes weeks to install. The good news is that Tag & Stick installs quickly and will save you valuable man-hours. Its rapid installation is thanks to its self-adhering and mechanical attachment. It doesn’t rely on installation methods such as hot mopping, hot tar, or back nailing.

The installation process involves the first underlayment sheet being mechanically fastened to your roofing deck. The second sheet is then mechanically attached to the first sheet and this attachment forms a pressure-sensitive adhesive which put both layers together. It’s a one-step technique that doesn’t require a second site visit. No deck priming and no large installation teams are needed.

5. Rapid Removal

An additional advantage of Tag & Stick is that it can be removed easily in the event of a reroofing project. The removal process won’t cause damage to the roof sheathing because it’s mechanically fastened. What’s good to note here is that you’ll have a resilient underlayment system, but this won’t compromise the surrounding roofing components in the event of a reroofing job.

Resilient Underlayment For South Florida Roofs

Tag & Stick underlayment has some great benefits that make it an essential part of your roofing system. With high wind resistance and an effective waterproof barrier, your home or business will be well protected in the event of a hurricane.

At Tag & Stick, we have over 25 years of experience in the underlayment and roofing contracting market. You’ll be able to choose from several sizing dimensions and cut options.

Contact our Coral Springs office at 954-255-3107 to find out more about our durable underlayment.

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A proven mechanical attachment with self-adhering technology that can be installed with any steep slope roofing products.

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