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Why Choosing The Right Underlayment Is Essential For Residential Roofing

residential roofing

Reading Time: 5 minutes

South Florida is the land of sunshine and a tropical paradise destination for so many. While this region of Florida offers a great lifestyle for those who enjoy the warmth and sun, there are a few downsides (if you are not prepared). Harsh and unpredictable weather conditions are to be expected in this area, which can pose significant risks to residential roofing.

The summer heat can be intense, and the threat of strong winds, including hurricanes, is to be expected. When it comes to your South Florida roof, if you opt for subpar products or workmanship, there is a real risk of roof damage when the unpredictable weather rolls in. One way to ensure your roof survives the severe weather in this area is to choose the right roofing underlayment.

Let’s take a closer look at the importance of opting for the right underlayment for your roof, as well as the benefits of using resilient products on your property.

Benefits Of Resilient Underlayment:

roof underlayment

The reality of South Florida weather is that one moment it can be sunny and peaceful; the next moment, you can find yourself in the middle of a storm. That’s why many homeowners choose a roofing underlayment that is designed to stand firm against the weather.

Here are a few benefits of resilient underlayment in South Florida:

Weather Resistance

In South Florida, you’re bound to experience intense weather patterns during the year. This includes heavy rain, high winds, and even the occasional hailstorms.

A high-quality underlayment acts as a barrier against these factors, preventing water infiltration and protecting the roof structure from any moisture damage that may try to creep in.

Thermal Regulation

Thermal regulation in this context is not about keeping your home warm: quite the opposite. The South Florida heat can be intense. Just ask anyone in the region who has gone through a sweltering summer without AC or thermal regulation.

The proper underlayment can help regulate indoor temperatures. It keeps the roof coverings ventilated and helps cool the attic. With the right materials, your underlayment will reduce the heat transfer through the roof and ultimately enhance the energy efficiency of your home. Not only will you keep your home cooler, but you’ll also be spending less on utility costs by not keeping your AC running day and night.

Enhanced Durability

With the right underlayment, you’ll make sure that your roof lasts as long as it should. The right materials and workmanship will improve the structural integrity of the roof above you, providing a layer of protection against wear and tear.

Roofs in the South Florida region can take a hammering, considering the heat that scorches down upon them. So, choosing an underlayment that is made with quality materials designed for the weather conditions is important.

Wind Uplift Resistance

If you’ve stood under your roof when a South Florida storm hits, you’ll have a good idea of how much force is directed upon the structure. Choosing an underlayment that is resistant to these forces is vital. The one you choose is often the difference between being unaffected by the storm or calling your home insurance provider the next day.

What a resilient underlayment does is reduce the roof’s resistance to uplift forces, reducing the risk of roof damage when extreme weather conditions hit.

The Importance Of Choosing The Right Underlayment

roof underlayment

Now that we’ve explored the benefits, let’s take a closer look at why it’s important to select the right underlayment for your residential roofing in South Florida:


The right underlayment will give your roof the protection it needs against heavy rainfall. You’ll avoid leaks, water damage, and even mold growth (this also means improved air quality in your home).

The last thing you want to experience during a downpour is a leak in the roof above you. That’s why it’s important to choose an underlayment that is resilient to such rainfall.


Not all underlayment materials are suitable for every type of roofing system. If you use the wrong product for your roof underlayment, you may experience poor adhesion, gaps, and voids that will compromise the performance of your roof.

It’s important to choose an underlayment that is compatible with the roofing materials installed in your home. You’ll want to choose a product that is easy to install and adheres as it should.

Long-Term Cost Savings

When last did you look at what it would cost to replace your roof? There’s no need to Google this – we can confirm it is not cheap! A cheaper underlayment option may seem like the right solution at the time, but these are not designed to last and will only cost you even more money in the long term.

You may find that you have to repair your roof often, have increased energy bills, or, even worse, have to replace the entire roof. This is not a situation you want to be in. It’s always better to opt for a quality underlayment that is resilient to various factors.

Warranty Compliance

When it comes to your roof in South Florida, certain requirements and materials need to be used to maintain your warranty coverage. If you choose subpar products that jeopardize this warranty, you may be unprotected against any future roofing issues.

That’s why you must choose quality roofing materials. This is true of underlayment as well, so don’t simply choose a product because of its price – consider the long-term benefits as well. It will give you the peace of mind that you are looking for.

As you can see, choosing a resilient underlayment that is designed for South Florida conditions is important. In the same way that you would only place a door on your home that is designed to keep dangers and the elements out, this is true of your roof underlayment as well.

Roofing Contractors, Architects, And Homeowners Choose Tag & Stick

roofing materials

When it comes to reliable underlayment solutions designed specifically for the challenges of South Florida’s climate, Tag & Stick is selected due to its superior qualities and simplicity of installation. We developed an innovative, inorganic, and modified underlayment that is engineered to withstand tropical weather conditions, including heavy wind and rain.

Our 2-ply, single-application underlayment system is not only self-adhered but also fastened directly to the deck. We are proud to say that it meets South Florida’s stringent wind uplift codes, which is one of the primary reasons roofing contractors choose this product over so many other options out there.

If you are a homeowner in South Florida, get the peace of mind you deserve with Tag & Stick. You can find out more about our superior underlayment on our website or give us a call at (954) 444-4843 to speak to one of our roofing specialists.

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A proven mechanical attachment with self-adhering technology that can be installed with any steep slope roofing products.

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