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Does Your Roof Need Roof Underlayment?

roof underlayment

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Your home is often your biggest asset – looking after it should be a high priority. Something you may rarely think about is your roof.  It’s easy to miss those key ingredients that can prolong the life of your roof for years to come. One of these key ingredients is roof underlayment. You can spend a fortune on a high-quality roof covering but have a substandard roof underlayment, and truthfully, all the money you spent on your roof will be for nothing. Here’s a look at why your homes roof needs a good underlayment.

An Effective Roof Underlayment

Roof underlayment is designed to offer an effective water barrier for your roof. It sits between your roof covering and your living space. It’s the layer that prevents water from getting through and ruining your home. Now, not all roof underlayment’s are the same, and this is where Tag & Stick excels. If you’re looking for the best roof underlayment for South Florida’s climate, then have a look at these benefits:

Quick Installation

Tag & Stick is a unique two-ply, single application system. This means it’s stronger and installs faster than competitors. A Tag & Stick installation doesn’t use hot mopping. It’s a one-step process. The first layer is mechanically attached to the deck and then the second layer attaches on top. The one-time application forms a strong pressure-sensitive adhesive bond.

The Tag & Stick Difference: One visit is all it takes. The result is an effective two-ply, water-resistant barrier. This process doesn’t need a follow-up visit and saves you on extra labor costs.

Durable On Roofs

Tag & Stick provides you with 55 mils of mechanically fastened underlayment with a 60-mil cap sheet fully adhered to it. Its toughness lies in solid construction materials of asphalt flux and reinforced fiberglass. Best of all, Tag & Stick can be left exposed for months without any risk of damage. Going through a busy time at work? Tag & Stick’s safe dry stage means that you don’t have your roofing construction plan lined up. Your roof underlayment acts as a waterproof barrier until you have the time to get your roof covered.

If Removal Is Necessary

Need to reroof? Tag & Stick can be as easily removed as it was installed. This is possible because of mechanical fastening, which is easy to remove. The absence of hot mopping and back nailing makes removal a lot easier. Tag & Stick underlayment removal won’t compromise your sheathing or decking either. A faster removal means less labor time and less costs.

Time is money: The more time you can save on worrying about your roof maintenance, the better for your profits. Tag & Stick offers a quick installation with a long-term result.

The Best Roof Protection

Roofs need ongoing maintenance. Installing the right roof underlayment will give you the waterproof protection you need. Tag & Stick is a versatile, safe, and easy to install roof underlayment.

No matter what your roof type, Tag & Stick will work on your roof. It offers the best protection while meeting the Dade County uplift requirements. Tag & Stick decreases the risk of a lengthy insurance claim by providing an effective water barrier.

Place your trust in the roof underlayment with a 25-year track record and call Tag & Stick today at 954-444-4843.

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A proven mechanical attachment with self-adhering technology that can be installed with any steep slope roofing products.

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