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Low-Quality Roofing Versus Good-Quality Roofing

quality roofing

Reading Time: 3 minutes

The roof and first line of defense against the elements is an area of a home that not only needs but deserves quality roofing. Although the roofing system makes up most of the exterior of a home and is an integral part of it, it is not given much thought until something goes wrong. Unfortunately, quality roofing can be a little pricey but it’s nothing compared to what low-quality roofing will end up costing you in money, time, and headaches. Regular roofing maintenance, quality roofing materials, and Tag & Stick are the dream team of roofing systems and we would like to explain why.

Low-Quality Roofing

If the costs of roofing installation and materials seem too good to be true, they probably are! Unfortunately, reroofing is quite a costly process. It may be tempting to take an offer with a price that is way below what other companies have quoted, but this is the first BIG red flag.

Very low prices generally mean very low-quality materials and workmanship. This will eventually lead to a number of bigger and more costly issues, from small leaks to the entire roofing system collapsing in on itself.

While sometimes blame can be placed on the low-quality materials used, a roofing system may also fail because of improper installation. Investing in a qualified and experienced roofing company is just as important as investing in quality roofing materials- you can’t have the one without the other and we’ll tell you why.

Investing In Good-Quality Roofing

Investing in good-quality roofing materials and workmanship offers a number of benefits for a slightly higher price. A sacrifice that we should be willing to pay, seen as the consequences of not can be so much worse.


As mentioned earlier, a roof is a home’s first line of defense against the elements so it should be equipped to handle the climate you’re currently in. Living in Florida, our roofing systems need to hold up against strong winds, torrential rains, and intense heat. Generally, higher quality materials (that are installed correctly) are more durable and will have a longer lifespan. By investing in a roofing system, you can guarantee a home’s protection.

Saves Money

Quality materials, like Tag & Stick, are able to withstand the elements by being water-resistant, while low-quality materials may allow the opportunity for leaks. These are difficult to detect and lead to massive structural damage to your roofing system and costly repairs. Quality roofing materials will not only save on these repairs, but repairs and maintenance will be required less frequently.

Indoor Comfort

Alongside protecting your home, your roofing system has the ability to absorb or reflect heat from the sun. The quality level of the roofing materials chosen will determine how well it does this. Living in a warmer climate, we would obviously want to reflect the sun’s heat away from our home. This allows for a consistent indoor temperature and decreased utility bills.


People driving past a home can’t see the effort that has been put into the inside, all they can see is the outside. We want the outside of a home to represent the person living in it, just as the inside does. This means that we need roofing materials that match the aesthetic inside a home. Quality roofing materials available in various colors and styles can not only make that a possibility but a reality.

How Tag & Stick Can Help You

Tag & Stick is a good-quality product and company focused on protecting you and your home. For any and all queries, please don’t hesitate to call us on 954-255-3107. Our trusted team would love to be a part of transforming a house into a home.

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